Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Does involuntary UGC still count as UGC?

Critics think that Facebook.com's new roll out connecting user accounts with tons of other websites, from news sites to purchasing sites... is this just another form of social networking/user generated content or is it, in essence, spyware?


  1. I think it's a little creepy that wherever I look now, the "likes" signs are all over and it tells you which of your friends "like" what articles, pages, etc. It is honestly just a bit much for me....

  2. I was amazed and intrigued to find out which of my facebook friends (and classmates) liked the same music on Pandora. But come to think of it, it is a bit creepy to know this even though we never talked about it in person. I'm not sure we all want our "likes" to be broadcast. ...Amazing opportunity for marketing research, however.
